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ICHS/CISH General Assembly in Tokyo, October 25, 2024

Update, April 26, 2024

On behalf of the ICHS/CISH Board, we would like to inform all members that we have been following the evolving situation in the Middle East with particular attention and concern since October 7, 2023. In light of the ongoing escalation, we have agreed that there are no conditions to prepare for the 2026 Congress in Jerusalem. The Board, in agreement with the Historical Society of Israel, decided to postpone the ICHS/CISH Congress until 2028 and to hold a Congress dedicated to the centenary of ICHS/CISH in 2026.

The General Assembly will take place at the Kasumigaseki Campus (Small Campus), Teikyo University, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, October 25, 2024, from 9 am to 5 pm.

The award will be delivered after the ICHS/CISH General Assembly at the Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil in Japan, in Tokyo, October 25, 2024, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

The conference Crossings and Connections: East Asia and the World, c1800-1945 will take place at the Hachioji Campus, Teikyo University, Tokyo, October 26, 2024. The deadline for submission of paper proposals is confirmed as April 30, 2024.

April 26, 2024

The President of CISH and the Secretary General

XXIII International Congress of Historical Sciences, Poznań 2020/2022: Solidarity Fund for Ukrainian historians

The Board of CISH would like to inform of its intention to promote the participation of as many Ukrainian historians as possible in the Congress, with the dedication of 10,000 Swiss Francs from its Solidarity Fund to that end.

The Board recommends that the local organizers arrange a round table to investigate topics from Ukrainian and Russian history in order to facilitate a historical discussion of the current situation for the general public.

For more information, please visit Poznań 2020/2022 official website:

6th World Conference of the International Federation for Public History, Berlin 16-20 August 2022

Due to the global pandemic, the 6th World Conference of the International Federation for Public History, originally planned for August 2020, had to be postponed twice. A new Call for Papers has been issued.
There is no specific conference theme and no focus on a particular historical era. Proposals covering a wide range of public history are welcome, such as: Public History practice and civic engagement, Memory,  Digital, Media, Performance, Professional issues.

The deadline for all proposals is 31 January 2022

Guidelines and further information can be found on