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XXIII International Congress of Historical Sciences Poznań 2020/2022: Solidarity Fund

In line with its tradition and with significant support from generous sponsors, the Organizing Committee of the XXIII International Congress of Historical Sciences Poznań 2020/2022 has established a Solidarity Fund for historians who would like to participate in the Congress.

Support will be given in the form of:
a) free accommodation in Adam Mickiewicz University dormitories for 150 participants
b) a registration fee waiver for 100 participants
c) travel grants for 60 participants

The deadline for applications is January 31, 2022.

Please find all the information and contact details here:

Congress 2020/2022: Additional Call for Panels

In view of  the cancellation of several panels, the ICHS and the Organizing Committee of the Congress in Poznań have decided to permit applications for new panels in three categories: Specialized Themes, Joint Sessions and Round Tables.

We would like to remind you of the guidelines ruling the process of selection:

  • Only members of ICHS (national committees, affiliated and internal commissions) are invited to send their proposals.
  • The format of the sessions remains unchanged, according to the resolutions of the General Assemblies:
    • Specialized Themes: sessions proposed by individual ICHS members; they last three hours and the number of contributors must not exceed six persons;
    • Joint Sessions: convened by at least two members of ICSH, they last three hours and may include no more than six participants;
    • Round Tables: discussions of a substantial paper related to a major question and written by the convener of the session; the number of participants must not exceed five persons (including organizer), the sessions last for three hours.
  • The themes should be sufficiently varied and innovative, concerning, if possible, several regions of the world.
  • The organizers must provide a short presentation of the theme of the session (5,000 characters in Word format) by filling the form enclosed below with their contact information.
  • Please bear in mind that the ICHS working languages are exclusively English, French and Spanish.

Each association, through its representatives, must return the proposals to the CISH General Secretary Prof. Edoardo Tortarolo ( before August 1st, 2021. Please find here the form for the session proposals.

The Board will announce selection of the proposals by September 30th, 2021.

Catherine Horel, ICHS President
Edoardo Tortarolo, ICHS General Secretary
Krzysztof Makowski, On behalf of the Organizing Committee

Update on the XXIII Congress

Not so long ago, we informed you about the postponement of the XXIII International Congress of Historical Sciences in Poznań to 2022. Today, we would like to update you with the latest decision of the ICHS Board that the Congress will be held on August 21–27, 2022 on the same terms as it was originally planned.

Congress fees will be maintained at the same level. The fee you have already paid is of course valid for the new date. If, unfortunately, you are not able to attend the Congress in August 2022, you may cancel your registration under general conditions.

As a result of the decision to postpone the Congress, the early bird registration has been extended to March 31, 2022.

It is still possible to apply for the participation in the Research Forum. Soon we will also announce the terms of applying for the poster session.

All announcements concerning the Congress will appear successively on the Congress website and Facebook.

Andrea Giardina, ICHS President
Catherine Horel, General Secretary

XXIII ICHS/CISH Congress postponed to 2022

The ICHS Board, in its meeting of January 26, has had to take an important decision regarding the organization of its XXIIIrd Congress, to be held in Poznań. The public health situation induced by the COVID-19 pandemic has already forced us to postpone the Congress from 2020 to 2021. Unfortunately, the disease is still spreading worldwide and the current progress of vaccinations does not yet allow us to ensure that participants from all continents will be able to travel to Poland.

There is a consensus on the part of both the Board and the Organizing Committee on the need to keep the form of the Congress face to face, thus avoiding the scenario of a virtual meeting. Therefore the Board unanimously, in accordance with the Organizing Committee, has agreed to postpone the Congress to August 2022.

The Board is well aware of the necessity to maintain the contact with ICHS members in the meantime and will thus convene the General Assemblies – normally held during the Congress – on April 12 and May 17, 2021. These meetings will take place online at 1 pm CET on each date. The agenda and the corresponding documentation will be sent to ICHS Members ahead of the first General Assembly. Each National Committee as well as Affiliated Commission will be asked to nominate their delegates before April 1. The General Assemblies will be presented with the approved applications for the new Board members as well as with the proposals for the next Congress, which we suggest to move to 2026 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of ICHS.

We kindly ask all panel organizers to communicate if they would like to change the content of their sessions, or otherwise reformulate or reframe their proposals in order to adapt them to the new schedule. In a few months, the Board will also open a few slots to allow new proposals for various sessions to be submitted before the end of the year.

Andrea Giardina, ICHS President
Catherine Horel, General Secretary
Krzysztof Makowski, Organizing Committee XXIII Congress

XXIII ICHS/CISH Congress 2021 in Poznan

Last April, we announced that the XXIII International Congress of Historical Sciences in Poznań was postponed to 22–28 August 2021.

Today, we are happy to inform you that the board of ICHS/CISH and the organizing committee have agreed that the XXIII Congress in Poznań will indeed be held on this date regardless of the circumstances. Every effort will be made to hold it in a traditional “face to face” form – in compliance with recommended health protocols and with the utmost care for the safety of participants.

The content of the programme therefore remains the responsibility of the panel organizers whom we thank in advance for their efforts.

We are aware that moving the congress into the virtual sphere would be a big loss for all of us. However, in the face of the pandemic spread of Covid-19, the organizing committee, in close contact with the ICHS board, is considering the possibility of offering participation in some congress events also on a virtual basis. This may include both general assemblies and the award ceremony, which we still hope will take place in normal form.

We would like to remind you that with the decision to postpone the congress, the early bird registration has been extended to March 31, 2021. There is also still possibility to apply for support within the solidarity fund.

All final decisions regarding the congress, especially its form, will be announced in January 2021.

Best wishes,

Board of ICHS: Andrea Giardina, Catherine Horel, Marjatta Hietala, Eliana Dutra, Pim den Boer, Sacha Zala, Joel Harrington, Lim Jie-Hyun, Krzysztof Makowski, Matthias Middell, Lorina Repina, Tao Wenzhao,

Tomasz Schramm and the organizing committee

Current announcements concerning the congress will be posted on the congress website: