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Migration as a Cultural Phenomenon

The ICHS board is pleased to announce the publication of the proceedings of the conference organized during the General Assembly (september 2012) by the Hungarian Committee “Migration as a Cultural Phenomenon” as a special issue of the journal Hungarian Historical Review edited by the Historical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.”

Gábor Klaniczay awarded the 2016 International Prize for History CISH

The International Prize for History CISH was awarded to Gábor Klaniczay, for the excellence of his works. The award will be delivered during the General Assembly of the CISH in September, 2017 in Moscow.

Gábor Klaniczay-CROPA specialist in late medieval and early modern religious history in Hungary and Europe, Gábor Klaniczay is professor of Medieval Studies at the Central European University, Budapest. With the insights of historical anthropology he researches what were the historical uses of heresy, sainthood, visions, stigmatics, magic, and witchcraft. His books include The Uses of Supernatural Power. The Transformations of Popular Religion in Medieval and Early Modern Europe (Polity – Princeton U. P., 1990); Szent Margit legendái és stigmái [Legends and stigmata of Saint Margaret] (Argumentum, 1994); Holy Rulers and Blessed Princesses. Dynastic Cults in Medieval Central Europe (Cambridge U.P., 2002)(ed.) Procès de canonisation au Moyen Âge additional resources. Aspects juridiques et religieux (École française de Rome, 2004); (ed. with Éva Pócs) Witchcraft Mythologies and Persecutions (CEU Press, 2008); (ed.) Saints of the Christianization Age of Central Europe  (CEU Press, 2013).


2017 : The next General assembly In Moscow

The next General assembly will be organized in Moscow. At this meeting the Committee will determine the program of the next Congress. Several scientific meetings will be organized on this occasion.

The XXIIIrd Congress – Poznan

poznan-villeThe General assembly of the International Committee for Historical Sciences – August 29th 2015 – voted for the city where the XXIIId Congress will take place. The application of Poznan, Poland, was chosen. The agenda will be determined during the next board meeting, in June 2016.

Poznan application

Serge Gruzinski awarded the International Prize of History, the CISH- History Prize

For the first laureate of this prize, the jury – the Board of the CISH, which has 12 members from different countries – selected as the winner, from a pool of excellent and highly-qualified candidates, Serge Gruzinski (École des hautes études en sciences sociales and CNRS, Paris, France).

Serge Gruzinski-petit

A specialist in the history of Latin America in the XVIth, XVIIth and XVIIIth century, Serge Gruzinski is a pioneer in reflecting on questions of global history and transnational history. He has popularized key notions such as « metissage » or « cultural circulation » across borders.

Among his many books, a few may be mentioned here, some of which have been translated into many languages:
* La Pensée
métisse, Fayard 1999 ;
* Quelle heure est-il là-bas ?
Amérique et Islam à l’orée  des temps modernes Seuil, 2008 (in English: What Time is It There ? America and Islam at the dawn of modern times, Polity, 2011);
* L’Aigle et le Dragon. Démesure européenne et mondialisation au XVIe siècle, Fayard, 2012 (in English : The Eagle and the Dragon: Globalization and European Dreams of Conquest in China and America in the Sixteenth Century, Polity 2014) ;
* L’Histoire pour quoi faire ?, Fayard, 2015.

The 26th of August 2015, the medal of The Grand International Prize of History has been presented to Serge Gruzinski during the XXIInd International Congress of Historical Sciences in Jinan, China, by Marjatta Hietala, president of the CISH, and a Reverso watch will be offered to him.