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Winter Seminar on Papal Archives 2023

A second appointment with Roman weekly workshop on the archives of the Holy See and on the Roman Catholicism will be held in Rome from 23rd to 27th January 2023.

The seminar will introduce, through a multi-disciplinary approach, to the study of the Papal Curia, to its archives and to the sources for the history of the Catholicism and will learn how to know, read, and understand the different kinds of documents preserved therein.

The seminar is addressed to young scholars in Humanities (students enrolled in graduate and Ph.D. programs in Early Modern, Modern and Contemporary History and History of Art but also archivists, museum curators, anthropologists and established scholars who are currently working on global Catholicism).

Deadline for application: 30th November 2022.

For anyone interested, information and costs can be download here:

Sanjay Subrahmanyam awarded the 2020/2022 International Prize for History CISH

The third edition of the International Prize for History CISH was awarded to Sanjay Subrahmanyam, for the excellence of his works.

A specialist of the early modern period (15th-18th centuries), he is the author of numerous books, essays, and edited volumes, ranging between studies of India and the Indian Ocean, the early modern European empires, and reflections on global history as a field of research.

Among his many publications, many translated into different languages, a few may be mentioned here:
* Aux origines de l’histoire globale (Leçon inaugurale au Collège de France), Fayard, 2014.
* (Co-editor) The Cambridge World History, Vol. VI: The Construction of a Global World, 1400-1800 CE, Books 1 & 2, Cambridge University Press, 2015. 
Historical Teleologies in the Modern World (ed. with Henning Trüper and Dipesh Chakrabarty), Bloomsbury, 2015. 
Europe’s India: Words, People, Empires, 1500–1800,  Harvard University Press, 2017;
* Empires Between Islam and Christianity, 1500-1800, SUNY Press, 2018;
* Faut-il universaliser l’histoire ? Entre dérives nationalistes et identitaires, CNRS editions, 2020;
* Les Peuples de l’Orient au milieu du XVIe siècle: Le Codex Casanatense 1889, Édition commentée dirigée par Sanjay Subrahmanyam, Editions Chandeigne, 2022.

The award was delivered during the XXIII International Congress of Historical Sciences in Poznań, Poland, in August 2022.
Please find here the text and the video of the Award Ceremony.

Poznań, 2020/2022 – CISH Secretary General’s Concluding Remarks

Ladies and gentlemen, 
it has been my 6th CISH Congress since 1995 in Montreal and by far the one that has taken place in the most dramatic circumstances. After a two-year-long pandemic and the attack on Ukraine, it has been quite an achievement that the 23rd congress of CISH-ICHS has been successfully concluded. The local organizing committee has done a tremendous job in providing the participants with optimal conditions and exquisite hospitality. It is not the time and place to analyze in detail the topics that the distinguished historians have been discussing and the approaches to the past developed during the fruitful five days of the congress. There are so many lessons learned that will take up some time to digest and really understand. New conceptual ways to understand how to make sense of the complexities of the past have been proposed and discussed. The major themes have focused on relevant aspects of the contemporary perception of the world, human and non-human. The enduring perception that history must have a global perspective has been discussed, although with an increasing interest in forms of coexistence that emphasize diversity and peculiarity rather than the homogeneity inherent in the notion of globality. We will all have time to reflect on these topics, and with the insightful thoughts shared with us by the distinguished speakers at the opening ceremony, prof. Olufunke Adeboye, prof. Dipesh Chakrabarty and prof. Ewa Domanska, and by the CISH-ICHS laureate prof. Sanjay Subrahmanyam.

Let me, however, recall something that has been prominent in the previous week. The first remark comes from the prize that has been awarded for the best poster. I don’t want to comment on the quality of the posters, which, by the way, is excellent. I want to draw your attention once again to the fact that the future is indeed founded on the past and knowing the past is essential for living a good life. But it is also important to give the past and the people who study the past a bright future. Acknowledging the merits of young scholars is crucial to our discipline. The 23rd congress of CISH-ICHS has done an excellent job in that respect. 

The second remark is that the extraordinarily heartfelt hospitality of our colleagues at the Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza restored a sense of community, of oikumene of the historians, that the long pandemic and the tragic events not far from here had eclipsed. 

It has been refreshing to enjoy the company of so many bright fellow historians and restore a much-needed sense of community among kindred spirits. 

Therefore: Dziękuję bardzo i do zobaczenia  w Jerozolimie.

Edoardo Tortarolo
Poznań, August 27, 2022

XXIII International Congress of Historical Sciences, Poznań 2020/2022: Solidarity Fund for Ukrainian historians

The Board of CISH would like to inform of its intention to promote the participation of as many Ukrainian historians as possible in the Congress, with the dedication of 10,000 Swiss Francs from its Solidarity Fund to that end.

The Board recommends that the local organizers arrange a round table to investigate topics from Ukrainian and Russian history in order to facilitate a historical discussion of the current situation for the general public.

For more information, please visit Poznań 2020/2022 official website: