Association internationale pour l’histoire de l’État et de l’administration |
Commission Internationale d'histoire de l'Ocean Pacifique |
Commission Internationale des Études Historiques Slaves (CIEHS) | Slavic Studies |
Commission internationale des historiens de l’Océan Indien |
History of South East Europe | Association Internationale d’Études du Sud-Est Européen (AIESEE) |
International Association of Byzantine Studies | Association Internationale des Études Byzantines |
International Association of Contemporary History of Europe | Association Internationale d’Histoire Contemporaine de l’Europe (AIHCE) |
International Association of Historical Societies for the Study of Jewish History – IAHSSJH |
International Commission for Historical Demography (ICHD) | Commission Internationale de Démographie Historique |
International Commission for the History and Theory of Historiography (ICHTH) | Commission Internationale pour l’Histoire et la Théorie de l’Historiographie |
International Commission for the History of Representative and Parliamentary Institutions (ICHRPI) |
International Commission for the History of Towns (ICHT) | Commission Internationale pour l’Histoire des Villes (CIHV) |
International Commission for the History of Travel and Tourism (ICHTT) | Commission Internationale pour l’Histoire du Voyage et du Tourisme |
International Commission for the History of Universities (ICHU) | Commission Internationale pour l’Histoire des Universités (CIHU) |
International Commission of History of International Relations (CHIR) | Commission Internationale d’Histoire des Relations Internationales | CIHR |
International Commission of Military History (CIHM) |
International Commission on the History of French Revolution | Commission Internationale d’Histoire de la Révolution française |
International Committee for History of Second World War | Comité International d’Histoire de la Seconde Guerre mondiale |
International Committee of Editors of Diplomatic Documents (ICEDD) | Comité International des Éditeurs de Documents Diplomatiques |
International Federation for Public History |
International Federation for Research in Women's History (IFRWH) | Fédération Internationale pour la Recherche en Histoire des Femmes |
International organisation of historians of Christianity | Commission Internationale d’Histoire et d’étude du Christianisme |
International Social History Association (ISHA) |
International Society for History Didactics (ISHD) | Internationale Gesellschaft für Geschichtsdidaktik (IGGD) |
International Students of History Association (ISHA) |
Network of Global and World History Associations (NOGWHISTO) |
Pan American Institute of Geography and History |
Unione Internazionale degli Istituti di Archeologia, Storia e Storia dell’Arte in Roma |